Digital GYROPalooza Pack 2024 - Discgolf-Set (selected) - MVP Disc Sports | Discsport - Allt för Discgolf och Frisbee!
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Digital GYROPalooza Pack 2024

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The Atomic Age – a period marked by rapid advancements in science and technology, providing the launching pad for the Digital Age. What better way to celebrate Digital GYROpalooza than to pay homage to the roots of the Digital Age! Each of our 3 exclusive stamps this year is directly inspired by the Atomic Age, and we made sure to put them on some amazing discs! This year’s box is stuffed with 11 discs – featuring 3 unique, triple-foil discs and 8 mystery discs (2 R2 molds and 6 Lab Seconds). As usual, you can expect some surprises to pop up here and there in these packs (especially in the L2 slots). Let’s take a look at what’s in the box!

Prototype Simon Line Balance
A prototype version of the first midrange in the Simon Line, the Prototype Simon Line Balance is exclusively available in 2024’s GYROpalooza box! Intended to be a midpoint between the Reactor and Pyro, the prototype run wound up having a more overstable flight than we’d hoped. To get that ideal flight, the decision was made to go back to the drawing board and fully retool the mold for its eventual stock release.

However, the prototypes are perfectly excellent discs on their own and we’re releasing them in the GYROpalooza boxes as a truly unique item! Featuring art by Matthew Jorde, grab your own and follow along with the process of going from Prototype to final release!

Total Eclipse Vanish
The Vanish is here and finally available in Eclipse – Total Eclipse plastic to be precise! With color glow rims and cores available in Green, Blue, Teal, White, and Purple, there’s 25 different combinations to see on this understable 11-speed distance driver. With an exclusive GYROpalooza illustration courtesy of DoubleRam Design, take your glow golf to the next level with a Total Eclipse Vanish!

Eclipse Parachute
In late 2022 we gave one lucky GYROnaut, Mike Stachyra, the chance to help design a stamp with MVP Disc Sports Art Director, Mike Inscho. It’s taken us a long time, but we are incredibly proud to unveil the Special Edition Color Glow Eclipse Parachute – featuring a tribute to Astronaut Gene Cernan, part of the Apollo 17 mission, and the last man to set foot on the moon.

“We shall return with peace and hope for all mankind.” – Eugene Andrew Cernan
MVP Disc Sports

We have introduced a unique, innovative putter into the disc golf market called the Ion. The Ion is a straight-flying putter with a lot of glide that has an over-molded edge. This over-molded edge allows for a choice in flexibilities and firmnesses w [...]

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