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Spore is a fun and floaty option available in the evolution line. this is a fantastic tool for warming up before a round, enjoying a game of [...]

1  7   0  1

speed  glide  turn  fade
More molds
Max Weight: 176 g
Diameter: 0 mm
Center Height: 23 mm
Rim Depth: 16 mm
Rim Thickness: 9 mm
PDGA Approved Date: 2024-02-05

A) Rim Thickness (Kanttjocklek)

Tjocklek på kanten. Påverkar hur "stort" greppet är. Putters brukar ha minst grepp (normalt 10-12mm), Distance Drivers mest (20-23mm). Om du inte gillar breda rimmar är det i första hand denna egenskap du ska kolla in. Välj helst inte mer än, säg 19-20mm. Man kan säga att gränsen går lite mellan fairway och distance driver.

B) Rim Depth (Kantdjup)

Innerhöjden på discen ute vid kanten. Putters har i regel ett högre värde än slimmade drivers.

C) Center Height (Höjd)

Discens högsta punkt. Putters har i regel ett högre värde än slimmade drivers.

Mer om discens form och vad som påverkar flygegenskaper.

Spore is a fun and floaty option available in the Evolution line. This is a fantastic tool for warming up before a round, enjoying a game of catch with friends, or smooth upshots or short drives out on the course. This disc can be compared to a putter in terms of speed but is deeper and will fly much straighter with less effort.

Spore was first introduced as the reward disc for Mystery Boxes in Winter 2023. Designed with fun in mind, this whimsical disc is well-suited for plenty of situations on and off the course. It’s been said by many that playing catch before a round is one of the best ways to dial in your throw before the round begins. A Soft Neo Spore will give you the ability to throw the shots you need and catch it comfortably upon return. Great for smooth technical upshots, fun before the event, and also with friends out in the park.




Neo Soft Spore

Putt & Approach



Välj utifrån din nivå:


DD (Distance Driver), FD (fairway Driver), MD (Midrange), PA (Putt & Approach).

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